International advertising platform

Turn Clicks into Cash:
Discover the revenue-boosting power of Native Ads!

Why choose native ad format

Seamless integration

Organically inscribed into the design and structure of your website
Doesn't interrupt the user experience
Helps keep the loyalty of your audience

More effective than banners

Overcomes banner blindness
Brings 85-95% more clicks than banners
CTR is around 3 times higher than display ads
Resistant to ad blocking software

Doesn't interfere with Google ads

Combines well with other ad formats
Can be placed on any available spot on the website
Perfect for generating extra revenue

Doesn't overload the website

The most user-friendly option for the website
Doesn't require the website layout changes
Can be located on the most profitable spots for this format without competing with other ads
Widget can be implemented in Google Ad Manager (GAM)

Let's compare advantages of native advertising over traditional

Banner ads
Native ads
Higher CTR
Non-intrusive to users
Takes even unpopular website spaces (under or in the middle of articles)
Adaptable design to match site content
Ad-blocking prevention

Here's how it might look

Ad units encourage users to visit our advertiser’s website to learn more about the offer

Why it’s better to start earning with Geozo

Safe ads

We carefully vet advertisers to ensure their content aligns with our values and effectively engages your audience. We adhere to IAB safety standards for enhanced security.

Expert native support

At Geozo, you’ll never feel abandoned or left waiting for a manager’s response. We prioritize timely and efficient communication, understanding its importance. Rest assured, we are as committed to achieving high results as you are.

Higher revenue

We exclusively partner with experienced advertisers willing to pay a premium for high-quality, long-term traffic. With us, you can expect consistently high revenue.

Discover how much you can earn with Geozo

And that’s what partners say about Geozo

Hello Geozo team, thank you for working with We are very pleased with the performance generated by geozo. So that our regional media have additional revenue. The geozo team is also very helpful in keeping creatives from violating existing policies. Hopefully this collaboration will always go well, more profitable, with good material too. Good luck geozo team!
I have been monetizing my websites with Geozo. What I like the most about working with them is that they answer all of my questions and they have helped me obtain greater profitability on my websites. I recommend them.
We have worked with Geozo - they are a serious and fair partner that has no delays in payment. The good thing about them is that they also provide extra income.
I've been buying traffic here for 6 months already and I can say that it's the best performing native ads network! The moderation is really fast and usually takes up to 2 hours, managers are very friendly and give a lot of useful advices, CPC rates are excellent for such traffic.
They are reliable and fast. I’m so satisfied! :)
Excellent partner. The negotiations were easy and pleasant.
Milen Damov

20 000+ websites have already trusted us to maximize their income

But rather than being a watcher, why don’t you discover for yourself, how much you can earn with Geozo Native Ads?
By the way, that would not be the final numbers, because at Geozo you can negotiate individual conditions!
website analysis and monetization plan from Geozo
We offer you to receive an individual
Geozo manager will analyze your website, including current ad blocks (if any), geos, and traffic volumes.
You will be provided recommendations on where to strategically place native ad blocks on your website to maximize profitability. Geozo manager can also suggest how to rearrange ads across the website if needed.
Income estimation
Based on the information, the team will estimate the potential income your website can generate by incorporating Geozo ad blocks.
Discover how much money your website can generate with Geozo Native Ads
Just fill in the short form below and receive a custom website analysis and monetization plan from Geozo
International platform for native advertising